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One Liner Jokes

* Pappu: Doctor: I am having trouble with my breathing. Doctor: I will give you something that will soon stop that.


* Preeto: Were you excited the first time you asked your husband for money? Jeeto: Oh, I was calm and collected.


* Appu: Would you consider going out with a man like me? Pappu: Yes, so long as he is not too much like you.


* Insurance policy is an old man's passport to young women.


* Appu: How is your wife? Pappu: Good for nothing.


* Every man should have a wife - preferably his own!


* By the time a man really does understand woman, his wife wont let him out of the house at night.


*Good resolutions are like college girls. Easy to make, but hard to break.


* Appu: I would like some crocodile shoes please. Pappu: Certainly, Sir! What size shoe does your crocodile wear?


* He: What you prefer in a man - wealth, position, character or appearance? She: Appearance and the sooner the better.


*Crazy fact of today's generation. Once upon a time, girls used to cook like their mothers. But now they drink like their fathers.

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